Juice Cleanse & Smoothies

NUTRITION TIP : Reboot Your Body

The Top 3 Post Holiday Tips to Reboot your Body, Lose Weight & Feel Great

The holidays have passed and were filled with a generous intake of foods. But for some of us the sugar, fat and stress can wreak havoc on the body and make starting a New Year feel sluggish and heavy. I say, forget about resolutions and implement solutions. Here are a few simple, delicious and low calorie solutions you can use today to REBOOT the body, help shave those holiday pounds right off, keeping you feeling energized and healthy through winter.

gjd.greenjuicestackTip #1 – Eat Your Greens & Clean Up Your Act

For most of us, the colors on the table during the holidays are more brown and beige than bright greens. These foods are mostly grains, starches, dairy and meats and contain many acidic minerals like iodine, chlorine, sulfur and phosphorous. These high-calorie, low water content foods deprive our cells of oxygen and essential trace minerals, and may even deplete the body’s minerals stores creating constipation and cloudy thinking.

Leafy greens, other green veggies and salads contain alkaline minerals including calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium. These foods energize and feed our cells the minerals, trace minerals and amino acids essential to the optimal functioning of the body. To boot, the fiber helps cleanse the intestines of impacted waste. These low calorie, high water content foods help replenish minerals, vitamins, amino acids and electrolytes missed at most holiday tables.

So, over the next few weeks eat more green foods at every meal and minimize the starch and meat/dairy intake. You’ll lose a couple of those unwanted post holiday pounds and you’ll keep your digestive system happily moving things along.

Tip #2 – Drink Your Way Back to Balance : Replenish Your Cells

Water plays a very important role when the body is trying to purge sugar, salt, fat overload and waste. It is essential for so many functions including keeping things moving through the organs of elimination, it helps carry waste out of the body, and even helps us make decisions. Water is a conductor of the electrical charges in the brain to keep your synapses firing and keep you thinking straight. So, if you ever find yourself feeling irritable or stressed, or maybe even cloudy or indecisive, drinking more water is a no brainer. 🙂

You can also drink coconut water, juice or probiotic based smoothes with super foods and fresh pressed juices that contain a plethora of enzymes and nutrients. But remember, fresh is best.

If you don’t have a juicer, you can simply make herbal tea. Teas are relatively inexpensive and very easy to make. Ones that can really help reboot the body are the “medicinal” teas packaged with names like “detox” teas,  “cold and flu” season teas and teas that support the liver and kidneys. There are several on the market but be discerning and read the labels. Not all herbal teas are the same. Look at the ingredients because some herbs do have contraindications if you are taking medications. Just speak with your doctor about it first.

Tip #3 – Eat Clean, Eat Smart & Restore

To reboot your body and get back on track, you have to put good, clean food in.  By good food I mean, plant based foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and sea vegetables. By clean food, I mean food (especially meat and dairy) without antibiotics, chemicals and additives. And if you can, shop organic. It’s a real bummer to go over budget on food, but there are very economical ways to eat clean, smart and healthy. You can also do a detox, juice cleanse or raw food week! Follow along with your copy of my DIY Juice Cleanse : A 5-Day Body Reboot Guide. You can watch the video below for some great tips too!

One option is to go to your local farmer’s market or join a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) group in your community. You’ll instantly have access to seasonal organic produce at a great price. And you can share a box with a friend to help you feel supported and keep you both accountable.

Either way, getting back on track will take a commitment and encouragement. Take time to invest in your health, and it will likely pay off nicely. It all works to strengthen your immunity, which is critical during winter.


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“let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.” – Hippocrates

Raw food has been around since we figured out how to grow it. Therefore,…

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